
There are some ridiculously sweet sunglasses out there and I'm beginning to be just as big of a sucker for sunglasses as I am for coats. I'm gonna combine this post with a "purchased item" post because, well, I got some new sunglasses today. I've been coveting these babies since I saw the runway version in the S/S 2011 show:

I wanted the full runway version with the curled sides but it was over $500 at Holt Renfrew so...moving on.

Cat-eye glasses (as seen at Givenchy)
Yeah, I guess these aren't actually sunglasses...but they are furry with panthers on the arms - this makes sense as the collection had a running 'Panther' theme. They are kind of amazing...and really serve no purpose whatsoever. I understand though that the retail version will be sunglasses and it will not be furry, but that takes the fun out it for me.


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